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August 2019 - Perry Hood Properties, Inc.
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Building Your Own Personal Garage Gym

(5-min read)

Going to the gym can be a pain. You have to account for the time there as well as transportation back and forth. You have to use equipment you hope is sanitary — that is, if someone isn’t using it already. You have to entrust your valuables to a locker room. You may have to use substandard showers. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a gym of your own? Let’s take a look at what it takes to build your own home gym in your garage. 

Clear a space for a clear mind.

The first obstacle to building a garage gym is merely finding the space to create one. Begin by de-cluttering your existing garage space. There are probably items in that location that you don’t even need anymore. You’ll be surprised how much stuff you can get rid of when you don’t fall for the “I might use this one day” fantasy. If you haven’t in the last 10 months (excluding holiday decorations), you likely won’t. 

Start small to avoid a false-start. 

Getting started building your garage gym can be exciting and can quickly lead you on a shopping spree for this endeavor. Before you know it, you may end filling your garage gym up with so much stuff that you may not have space even to work out. Remember that this gym isn’t storage space for equipment, but instead a place where exercise is done. Start by doing workouts that don’t require any equipment. Consider marking the area with a rubber flooring, a large mat, or even just electrical tape. Once you’ve finally assigned this space as a place for exercise in your mind, slowly add equipment. Start maybe with a jump rope. Next, add some small hand weights. Perhaps transition into a heavy bag or a speed bag. Add items one at a time, only as you know you’ll use them.woman doing kettlebell push ups in garage gym

Extra tip: Get help finding exercises that don’t require equipment from the 7-Minute Workout App or Workouts by Darebee.  

Use the structure as equipment.

Having a sturdy-framed place designated for exercise is an excellent location for calisthenics. Consider installing a pull-up/chin-up bar or possibly some gymnastic rings. Being in a garage means you likely have easier access to load-bearing studs. Take advantage of them and install equipment that leverages your own body weight in exercise. 

Structure your equipment storage. 

A garage gym can quickly get cluttered if your equipment is not organized. Prepare the space in different zones depending on the exercises that each piece of equipment facilitates. Keep all weights stowed when not in use. Use hooks to hang up jump ropes, water bottles, towels, and other items that would generally take up space on the floor. Everything should have it’s space when not in use.

Is your garage not big enough for a gym? Perhaps its time for a home with a workout room. For help building your own personal workout space in your dream home, the friendly Oklahoma-based home-building professionals from Perry Hood Properties can help. 

Yes, I’d like to learn more about building my dream home from the ground up. 

“How Long Will My Roof Last?” Comparing Materials

(5-min read)

Whether you’re buying or building a new house, the roof is one of the more costly upgrades you can make for your home. Still, choosing the right material can mean a roof that will last for decades or one that may give you headaches in just a few years. Let’s compare the pros, cons, and lifespan of different roof materials. 

BUR – Built-Up Roof Material

For ultimate protection against the elements, built-up roofing (BUR) is a favorite. Even though it offers maximum protection, the installation of fiberglass layers and hot tar makes applying a BUR roof a hot, messy, stinky process. Still, the unpleasant installation may less of an issue when one considers that this material of roofing can last 20-30 years at the cost of around $8,000 for a $2,000 square foot roof. Still, due to the nature of the installation and the material, a BUR roof isn’t recommended for homes with any significant slope. 

Asphalt Roll Roof

A popular choice, an asphalt roll roof is comprised of large rolled sections of a similar material that is used in asphalt roofing shingles. This material is installed in overlapping sections on rooftops of a predominantly flat pitch. Because of its relatively simple installation, this style of roof is popular among do-it-yourself homeowners or home flippers. For its ease of installation, it’s lifespan is another story — about 5-10 years depending on how it is treated. For a 2,000 square foot house, this equals roughly $4,500 every 5-10 years. 

Cement or Clay Tile Roof Materials

Extremely durable, cement or clay tile roofs are a favorite for their longevity — which can run over 100 years if properly maintained. They can be known to crack, but those tiles can be replaced. These roofing materials do require a significantly supportive home frame to function properly due to their weight. For the cost of installation for a 2,000 square foot home, prices could run upwards of $44,000. 

Compositive Asphalt Shingle Roof Material

Probably the most popular roofing material has to be composite asphalt shingle roofs. Even though professional installation for a 2,000 square foot home can run $11,000 or more, this only needs to be done every 15 to 40 years depending on weather conditions. Some of these roofs come with impressive warranties that also make them a lucrative buy. 

Wood Shingle Roofs

A wood shingle roof is precisely what it sounds like — a roof made of thinly sliced pieces of natural wood. While attractive, they require a great deal of craftsmanship to install. They have also been deemed such a unique fire hazard that they are not legal in some areas that are more prone to wildfires. These roofs last anywhere from 20-30 years, though some have been known to last 50 years if properly maintained. The cost for a 2,000 square foot home runs about $20,000. Thicker versions of these wood shingle roofs are also available that hold up better against the elements, but are more costly.

Metal Standing-Seam Roofs

As increased wildfires have threatened homes, metal roofs have grown in popularity in the last few years. These roofs are made from larger over-lapping metal panels — usually made of zinc, copper, steel, or aluminum. These roofs are virtually free of maintenance with proper installation short of periodically checking fasteners and seals. Because this roofing material is newly popular, its full lifespan isn’t fully realized. It is thought that it can last anywhere from 50-75 years — making it the last roof some homeowners will ever buy. The cost for one of these roofs averages about $22,000 for a steel panel roof on a 2,000 square foot house. 

Slate Roofing Material

Among the more durable roofs are those of quarried slate material. These tiles of molded clay or cement contain quarried slate and are carefully installed by specialists. This style of roof is among the most expensive to install, but its full lifespan is not yet known. There are buildings dating back hundreds of years that still have functional slate roofs. The cost of installing a slate roof on a 2,000 square foot home averages about $66,000. Nevertheless, this may be the last roof that structure may ever need even over multiple generations. 

There is a lot to consider when deciding on what roofing material to use for your home. For help making a decision, feel free to consult the custom home building specialists from Perry Hood Properties. 

Tell me more about building a custom home in Oklahoma with help from Perry Hood Properties. 

5 Signs Your Flip Buy is a Bust

(3-min read)

Buying a flipped home can be a fast lane to a turn-key home. However, because the quicker the flip, the larger the payout, some home flippers may cut corners that don’t show up in the pretty realty pictures. Here are a few telltales signs of a hastily flipped house. 

1. Sloppy Kitchen Remodeling (Where It Counts)

To completely remodel a kitchen takes more than fancy stainless steel appliances and the latest granite countertops. Many flippers attempt to save money in a large kitchen remodel by utilizing existing gas, plumbing, and electric connections, making for a disorderly layout. When looking into a flipped house with a remodeled kitchen, put the fancy surface-level upgrades out of your mind. The real indicators of craftsmanship will be evident once you start opening cabinets and looking under sinks. If it is a jumbled mess, it will likely be an expensive headache down the road. 

2. Botched Floor Remodeling

Problems in the flooring may not be easily detectable in realty photography. When checking out a flipped property, take a closer look in the doorjambs or wherever else the floor connects to something else — such as trim or molding. If you notice a lack of precision or just shotty work, this may be a canary in this coal mine. 

3. Unanswered HVAC, Roof, and Plumbing Questions

Immediately ask about the age of the HVAC system and the last time it was professionally inspected. All of the brushed chrome in the world won’t keep you cool if an old air conditioner fails in the middle of the summer. Also, inquire about the state of the roof. If it hasn’t been given any attention, this can be an immediate expense they were hoping you’d overlook. Do the same with the plumbing. If they really wanted to remodel the home thoroughly, there’s a good chance that the plumbing would require some attention. Because that is usually pretty expensive, they may hope that you’d deal it with once winter comes around.

4. Skimping On Electrical Upgrades

Before you “ooh” and “ah” about the crown molding, wood floors, or claw-foot tubs, you should first be looking at the fuse box. Many home flippers who aren’t licensed electricians will try to flex their DIY muscles where it is not advisable — the power in the house. If anything looks off about the electrical wiring in the house, it will likely result in costly repairs for you to enjoy.

5. Telltale Foundation Issue Clues

Shiny additions will never make up for foundation issues. Before you’re marveled by home theater system, begin your tour by opening and closing doors and windows. Any sticking or difficulties may be a sign of foundation issues. Because a granite island is cheaper than foundation work, many flippers will try to hide these pricy repairs behind impressive distractions. If anything seems off about the foundation, either run away or at least start asking questions. 

If you’d like all of the nicer amenities without the risk associated with dealing with home flippers, the Oklahoma-based home builders at Perry Hood Properties would love to help you build your dream home from the ground up. 

“Yes, I’d like to learn more about how easy it is to build my custom dream home in Oklahoma.”

3 Signs You’re Ready to Quit Renting and Buy a Home

(3-min read)

There are a lot of perks to renting. Most maintenance is taken care of, you can leave when you want (most of the time), and you’re not at risk of losing money in a fluctuating market. However, there comes a time in many people’s lives where buying a home ultimately makes more sense. Here are three signs that you’re ready to buy a home.

1. You Have Reliable Income

When you’re young, coming across a consistent income stream can be difficult. You may have bursts of good fortune and then have months of financial instability (this is especially true if you’re a freelancer). However, if you have reached a point in your career where your income is stable (even if it’s modest), you can start predicting your financial future. When you know that you will receive a paycheck ten years from now and what that paycheck may look like, paying more and more in rent hikes begins to make less sense. This may be a time when homeownership begins to make more sense. 

2. You’re Ready to Put Down Roots

Climbing the corporate ladder isn’t always straight up. Sometimes, climbing this ladder can take you from city to city in search of favorable opportunities. Once you have determined what city or town you want to live in for the next 10-30 years, buying a home in that place makes sense. If you’re still not sure if you’re going to remain in a select city, buying is a home is fairly risky. While you could potentially rent out a home you own elsewhere while you pursue a new opportunity, homeownership will tether you to a specific geographic location like few other obligations can. Make sure you dig the spot before you spring for homeownership. Selling a home, even more than buying one, is very expensive and challenging.

3. You Have a Decent Down Payment (or Can Acquire It)

If you don’t have a generous down payment ready to drop on a home, you will be paying for it and then some down the road. Not having at least a 20% down payment means you will also need to pay for mortgage insurance — insurance that protects mortgage companies from a loss if you can’t make the payments. These payments can add thousands of dollars a year to the cost of owning a home. In addition to mortgage insurance, you will likely be paying inflated interest rates in the place of a decent downpayment. So, before you even go to apply for a mortgage, it is a good idea to have a 20% of the price stowed away or at least qualify for a mortgage assistance program that can help you meet that 20% threshold. 

Instead of buying a house that somewhat needs your needs, have you ever considered a custom-built home that is guaranteed to? Working with the property experts from Perry Hood Properties, you can build your Oklahoma dream home in less time than you think. 

“Yes, I’d like to learn more about building a custom home in Oklahoma.”



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